Saturday, February 21, 2009

PDX Airport

Airports are fun aren't they?

I'm sitting at the gate with free wifi. PDX is very cool for having it. About 20 minutes before I get in my first plane to Seattle. I'm extremely tired. My eyes are in that state where they keep trying to close on me. I might try to take a quick nap on the plane up to Seattle. I'm really worried though that I will fall asleep during my layover before my second flight and not wake up for it. Three hours is just enough time for me to get into that deep sleep and pass up the alarm. Hopefully I can stay up long enough to get on the plane to Seoul. Then I can take a nice long 12 hour nap. Of course I'll be sure to take a "wake break" (I hope I can coin that phrase) for lunch. I can't miss out on that great airline food mmMMMMMMmmmmmm scrumptious.

Security wasn't bad. It hasn't hit me yet that I just said goodbye to the family for quite a while. Brings a whole new perspective to things. I don't think I'll really start to feel it for a week or two.

I'll report in from Seattle if I can get wifi again.


  1. Ohhh good ole airports, hope you stay awake and make your flight haha. Enjoy your NASA created nutritional sustenance (airplane food).

  2. According to my airline widget you are chillin over Vietnam right now.
